Dan Judy, September 12

September 12, 2012

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill on the state of the presidential election:

On Tuesday, a Romney campaign aide told The Hill that the shift in male voting intentions was part of the same pattern. “He got a temporary boost that shouldn’t last long,” the aide argued.

Still, even Republicans who think that those predictions will ultimately prove true admit their worries about the current state of play.

“It’s definitely a concern,” said Dan Judy, a vice president at North Star Opinion Research, a GOP firm. “Men, and especially white men, are a core constituency for Republicans, especially in swing states. Romney’s got to run up big, big margins with them.”

Judy said he was not surprised to see the Democrats trying to seize the national-security mantle “because there are not a whole lot of areas where Barack Obama can point to his record. Every time Democrats talk about [the bin Laden operation] is time they don’t have to spend talking about the economy, or ObamaCare, or a lot of other things that are not so popular.”

Judy argued that, once memories of the conventions begin to fade, the electorate will focus again on the economy. This, he asserted, would be to Romney’s benefit.

To read the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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