Jon McHenry, September 27

September 27, 2012

Jon McHenry’s comments in David Weigel’s Slate blog post regarding redistricting:

[Democrats’] best hope for taking back control later this decade is that the districts shift their demographics. In a quote I didn’t use, Republican pollster John McHenry weighed that possibility
“It’s hard to predict out a full decade,” he said. “If the economy stays sort of stagnant, if we see further drops in immigration, will we have fewer Hispanic voters in the long term? We don’t know where population growth will be. It seems like some breaks have been put on the growth of last decade. Georgia was growing really aggressively in the first part of the decade, but it slowed. People are going to keep moving to the sun unbelt and new South, but at some point even the iPhones sales don’t double every year.”

For the full blog post, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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