Jon McHenry, August 15

August 15, 2013

Jon McHenry’s comments in The Hill regarding Republican candidates and populism:

But others say these candidates are too focused on running against the party establishment at the expense of bringing new ideas or policy proposals to the debate.

“It sort of cracks me up that a Republican would try to get left of President Kennedy on the issue of a rising tide lifting all boats,” said Jon McHenry, a Republican pollster with North Star Opinion Research.

“It’s interesting to me to hear Cruz talk about how we have to reach out to minorities, whether its African-Americans or Hispanics, which is true, but then not to offer any solutions about what you would do with the immigration system,” he added.

But McHenry said the message is likely to play well among conservative activists in Iowa, who “are probably also the people who have that populist strain.”

To read the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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