Whit Ayres’s comments on Latino voters,

Whit Ayres, the founder and President of North Star Opinion Research, a national public opinion research firm, is a Republican consultant who counts many of the party’s leaders as clients. He agrees that doing better among Latino voters is one of the great challenges for Republicans, but he thinks the party can do far better than the poll suggests.

“In his re-election campaign in 2004, President Bush received 44 percent of the Latino vote nationwide,” Ayres says. “So we know that a candidate who reaches out and aggressively courts Latino voters can bring them into the Republican fold.”

Ayres says the state of economy and jobs is the most important issue in the Latino community today, and he believes focusing on those issues can draw in Latino voters.

“To present a picture of the Republican nominee as better for economic growth will mean that Republicans will do better in Latino communities,” he says.

Ayres says Latino voters are on track to become the No. 1 swing voter group in the country, and the seriousness of winning that vote for the GOP cannot be understated. What are the consequences for not taking it seriously?

“We’ll lose,” he says.

For the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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