Dan Judy’s comments on the Republican veepstakes:

“The specter of Sarah Palin does hang over the whole process. There’s no doubt about that,” said Dan Judy, a Republican strategist. “That whole experience ended up not being particularly positive, and I think that picking a woman — even one who is incredibly well qualified — would open the door to a lot of questions about trying to pander to women or making kind of a purely political pick.” …

Though no one knows who the VP nominee will be right now, many insiders expect what Judy called a “boring pick” — an already known establishment Republican like Bob McDonnell, Tim Pawlenty, Bobby Jindal, Paul Ryan, or the tea party senator Marco Rubio.

“I think it’s so soon after the Sarah Palin thing, you’re going to see a much safer pick, a more conservative pick,” Judy said.

For the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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