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Jon McHenry’s comments to The Daily Caller on the effect of Arizona’s Supreme Court ruling on abortion: The opposition from prominent Republicans to the Arizona Supreme Court’s abortion ruling could mitigate Democrats’ turnout boost, according to polling analyst Jon McHenry. “Typically where there’s been something on the ballot, it has helped Democrats — there’s kind...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Wall Street Journal regarding President Trump’s position on abortion: “I don’t know that anything will take the attention off the abortion issue given some of the extremely restrictive bills that have been passed,” said GOP consultant Whit Ayres, who called Trump’s position a politically smart one. “But it is the...

Whit joined Zac McCrary on the Pro Politics Podcast to discuss four decades in politics from the faculty at the University of South Carolina to Governor Carroll Campbell’s staff to starting and running a successful polling firm:

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