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Whit Ayres’ in CNN regarding Governor Nikki Haley and the Republican presidential primary: “I think Haley is clearly the second-place candidate right now,” said veteran Republican pollster Whit Ayres. … Ayres has famously divided the GOP electorate into three camps: an always Trump group immovably bound to him; a never Trump group implacably hostile to...

Jon McHenry’s comments to Politico regarding Governor Ron DeSantis’ governing and campaigning style: “Gov. DeSantis seems to be better at running for president when he’s governing rather than campaigning,” said Jon McHenry, a GOP pollster [from] New Hampshire whose firm North Star Opinion Research Group worked on DeSantis’ 2018 gubernatorial campaign. “He drives the conversation...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The New York Times regarding Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign strategy: Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster, argued in an email that DeSantis has adopted an approach to the nomination fight that was bound to fail: “DeSantis’s strategy, and that of any candidate not named Trump, should be to consolidate the Maybe Trump...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill regarding Governor DeSantis’ campaign and cultural issues: Some Republicans argue that DeSantis has made a strategic miscalculation in allowing his stance on culture-war issues to overshadow everything else. GOP strategist Dan Judy argued that the Republican primary electorate is comprised of three camps, which he termed “Always Trump,” “Never...

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