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Whit Ayres’ comments in The New York Times regarding President Trump’s policy positions: “We’ve learned absolutely nothing about Donald Trump since he was inaugurated that wasn’t patently obvious for the last year and a half,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster. “Nothing new about his temperament, his knowledge base, his personality or his management style....

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Washington Post regarding President Trump’s message regarding U.S. military action in Syria: Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster, said Trump might be able to bring along his loyalists, even if he takes additional military steps in the Middle East. “If he frames it as a clear effort to promote and protect...

Whit Ayres’ comments for the Associated Press regarding the challenges of Republicans adapting to a united government: “There are some folks in the Republican House caucus who have yet to make the pivot from complaining to governing,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres. “And this is a White House controlled by a politician who is not...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The New York Times regarding the apparent contradiction between Trump supporters and Republicans regarding health care: “This is a function of Donald Trump engineering a takeover of the Republican Party,” said Whit Ayres, a longtime Republican pollster. “It was takeover more than assimilation, and this is the eminently predictable result.” To...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill on the “wiretapping” claims of President Trump and reactions of Republican lawmakers: “The reason I think you are seeing a little more pushback is that he made those [initial] claims, essentially counting on Congress to find the evidence,” said Dan Judy, a GOP strategist who worked with the 2016...

Whit Ayres’ comments in the Los Angeles Times on the current political environment and President Trump: “Rather than voters deciding what they think about abortion or guns or Russia and finding a candidate who fits those views, instead they’re settling on a candidate they like for whatever reason and adopting that candidate’s political views as...

Dan Judy’s quotes in The Hill regarding apparent disagreements between Donald Trump and his Cabinet nominees: “There are a lot of opportunities for his cabinet nominees to influence him, to be the ones that set the direction of policy,” said Dan Judy, a GOP consultant whose firm worked for the 2016 presidential bid of one...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill on Republicans examining the influence of Russia in the presidential election: Dan Judy, a strategist and pollster whose firm, North Star Opinion Research, worked for Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign, said that the controversy over the election interference in particular has already shown that there is “some daylight between Trump...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Chicago Tribune on the Trump cabinet and CEOs in politics: What is key is “the style with which they led their prior organizations,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster. “A lot of CEOs are far from dictatorial leaders. A lot of them, in this day and age, are more consensus...

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