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Whit Ayres’ comments in The New York Times on Dr. Anthony Fauci: “Populism is essentially anti: anti-establishment, anti-expertise, anti-intellectual and anti-media,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican strategist, adding that Dr. Fauci “is an establishment expert intellectual who is in the media.” … The anti-Fauci fervor has taken its toll on his personal life; he has...

Jon McHenry’s comments to STAT News regarding President Trump’s proposal regarding prescription drug pricing: “It’s a very savvy political move,” said Jon McHenry, the vice president of North Star Opinion Strategies, a Republican-aligned polling firm. “What you see is voters saying: ‘OK, he’s actually trying to do something on drug prices.’ That’s something that the...

Jon McHenry’s comments to STAT News regarding health care and the Kansas Senate race: “Barbara Bollier could be in the right position for Kansas on surprise billing, but it’s likely to get drowned out by her abortion position,” said Jon McHenry, a pollster for the GOP-aligned group North Star Opinion Research. “Similarly, ACA repeal may...

In January, our firm conducted a national online survey of voters for the Council for Affordable Health Coverage, focusing on voter attitudes toward health care generally and privacy of health care data specifically. In some ways, January was a lifetime ago. For that very reason, however, the results set a baseline of attitudes regarding health care...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill regarding the need to sell the American Health Care Act: Some Republicans more skeptical of Trump warn that everything is still to play for, however. “Whenever you make a change this big, you need somebody who can make the rationale for it, who can convince the public to be...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Financial Times regarding the politics of Obamacare rate increases: Whit Ayres, a Republican strategist, said Monday’s forecast that Obamacare premiums were set to jump was “a gift to any Republican nominee”. “It [confirms] what Republicans have said for six years now. Basically what’s happening is what Republicans have predicted ever...

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