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Whit Ayres’ column in US News on the challenges facing Republicans: Providence has provided Republicans with an unexpected opportunity to accomplish goals many have wanted for years, by delivering control of both the presidency and Congress to the GOP. But our 2016 success should not blind us to the long-term challenges facing the party. President-elect...

Whit Ayres’ comments in US News and World Report on Donald Trump’s effect on downballot races and the future of the Republican party: For the moment that’s raising the prospect of resurgence in a fading voting pattern: “Just because people haven’t split their tickets in recent elections doesn’t mean they can’t spit their tickets,” says...

Whit Ayres’ comments in the Washington Times regarding ticket splitting: While presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton tops Mr. Trump in matchups in Florida, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, incumbent Senate Republicans are all ahead in polling in their own races, building significant leads. “We’re seeing in numerous states and districts at the moment very substantial...

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