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Whit Ayres’ comments in The Washington Post on Nancy Pelosi’s dismissal of tax reform benefits: Even many Democrats cringed privately at her “crumbs” comment, which they worry distracts from their larger argument over the fairness of GOP economic policies. And of course, any metaphor that involves baked goods easily lends itself to the Marie Antoinette...

Jon McHenry’s comments in The Hill regarding tax reform messaging: GOP lawmakers and the Trump administration often spend a considerable amount of time discussing how tax reform will boost economic growth and business competitiveness. Strategists suggested that it’s important for Republicans to explain how more economic growth directly affects them, and some argued that lawmakers...

Whit Ayres’ column in US News on the challenges facing Republicans: Providence has provided Republicans with an unexpected opportunity to accomplish goals many have wanted for years, by delivering control of both the presidency and Congress to the GOP. But our 2016 success should not blind us to the long-term challenges facing the party. President-elect...

Whit Ayres’ comments in the Atlanta Journal-Constititution regarding opinion on “income inequality”: Veteran Republican pollster Whit Ayres has tested extensively whether Americans respond more to cries to do something about income inequality or to increase middle class opportunity. The latter is a key part of the platform of Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, whose nascent presidential...

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