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Whit Ayres’s comments in The Los Angeles Times on the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings: “It’s depressing watching this because both of these people have been seriously and permanently damaged,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who has worked with one of the main conservative groups backing Kavanaugh’s confirmation. “It reminds me of a Shakespearean tragedy, where...

Whit Ayres’s comments to the Associated Press on President Trump, presidential job approval, and the midterm elections: “Donald Trump is a non-traditional president and he has severed the traditional tie between economic well-being and presidential job approval,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican consultant and pollster. “People are not evaluating Donald Trump based on the state...

Whit Ayres’s comments in The Washington Post regarding the Georgia gubernatorial contest: Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster, noted that while the Atlanta suburbs are not as conservative as the rest of the state, they are more conservative than the precincts in Northern Virginia that are becoming Democratic strongholds. A Democrat who was senior in Clinton’s...

Whit Ayres’s comments to McClatchy news service on the Trump effect in Republican primaries: When it comes to moving Republican votes, said veteran GOP pollster Whit Ayres, a Trump endorsement is “determinative.” “At this point,” he said, ticking through a number of primary contest results, “a Trump endorsement can totally change the complexion of a...

Whit Ayres’s comments to NBC Los Angeles on fallout from the Russia summit: Yes, each time Trump has weathered the criticism. Will it be any different now? “The only honest answer to that question is ‘Who knows?’” said Whit Ayres, the president North Star Opinion Research and an adviser to top Republicans. “Past controversies that...

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