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Dan Judy’s quotes in The Hill regarding apparent disagreements between Donald Trump and his Cabinet nominees: “There are a lot of opportunities for his cabinet nominees to influence him, to be the ones that set the direction of policy,” said Dan Judy, a GOP consultant whose firm worked for the 2016 presidential bid of one...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill on Republicans examining the influence of Russia in the presidential election: Dan Judy, a strategist and pollster whose firm, North Star Opinion Research, worked for Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign, said that the controversy over the election interference in particular has already shown that there is “some daylight between Trump...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Chicago Tribune on the Trump cabinet and CEOs in politics: What is key is “the style with which they led their prior organizations,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster. “A lot of CEOs are far from dictatorial leaders. A lot of them, in this day and age, are more consensus...

Whit Ayres’ column in US News on the challenges facing Republicans: Providence has provided Republicans with an unexpected opportunity to accomplish goals many have wanted for years, by delivering control of both the presidency and Congress to the GOP. But our 2016 success should not blind us to the long-term challenges facing the party. President-elect...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Wall Street Journal regarding the presidential election and race: “Trump switched white voters in key states who were blue-collar primarily—coal counties, manufacturing counties,” the Republican strategist Whit Ayres told me this week. “These are blue-collar whites who voted for Barack Obama. And that’s a very uncomfortable thing to admit by...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Financial Times regarding the politics of Obamacare rate increases: Whit Ayres, a Republican strategist, said Monday’s forecast that Obamacare premiums were set to jump was “a gift to any Republican nominee”. “It [confirms] what Republicans have said for six years now. Basically what’s happening is what Republicans have predicted ever...

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