Whit Ayres joined Bill Kristol for a conversation about the State of the Republican party nomination:
Whit Ayres joined Bill Kristol for a conversation about the State of the Republican party nomination:
Whit Ayres’ comments in The Los Angeles Times regarding the influence of former President Donald Trump’s endorsements: All of which suggests Trump’s sway over Republican voters — and, by extension, the Republican Party — is diminishing the further he gets from the White House. “A president’s endorsement is going to carry more weight than an...
Whit Ayres joined Mary Katherine Ham and Kevin Madden on their Party People podcast to discuss Republican efforts to appeal beyond the base. To read the article, please click here. You can listen to the podcast here.
Whit Ayres shared his thoughts on the likelihood of Republicans gaining control of the Senate on the Journal Editorial Report: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Whit Ayres’ comments on immigration reform and Republican primary voters in Politico: Pollsters at the briefing, however, say their surveys didn’t find any evidence of greater intensity among immigration reform opponents. And Whit Ayres, one of the pollsters, said Graham was a better test case of how immigration reform plays in a GOP primary —...
Whit Ayres’ comments to National Journal regarding blue-collar white voters: “Blue-collar whites have been migrating to the Republican Party ever since Ronald Reagan called them Reagan Democrats,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster. “It’s a culture that is heavily family based, more small-town and rural. It’s very pro-gun, and very patriotic. We’re talking about a...
Click here to download Whit Ayres’s memo to Republican Senate candidates and operatives detailing the effects of new HHS regulations on seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D plans.
Whit Ayres and Jon McHenry’s comments in the Washington Post on key issues for the election: If all goes to plan, it shouldn’t be close. Jobs and the economy have been the core message of Romney’s campaign from the very beginning. But the party’s leader struggled to keep the economy front and center amid numerous...
Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill on the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate: Dan Judy, a Republican pollster with North Star Opinion Research said a Ryan choice makes sense because congressional races are showing that Democratic attacks using the Ryan budget only work if the candidate cannot explain the budget effectively....
North Star Opinion Research is pleased to join with Twitter, the Mellman Group, and Topsy in announcing the Twitter Political Index, or “Twindex.” Using Twitter’s “firehose” of data, Topsy has constructed an algorithm that places mentions of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama into context with the total conversation on Twitter. The Twindex is similar to...