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Jon McHenry joined Episode Four of ITV’s “Will Trump Win?” podcast to talk about the election (and just a little about Liverpool):

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Philadelphia Inquirer regarding campaigning with significant mail-in balloting: Whit Ayres, a Republican strategist who has worked on many races in Florida, where mail voting is prevalent, said it “complicates life enormously” for campaigns, “because you need to start advertising earlier, start getting out the vote earlier, but then you need...

Whit Ayres’ comments to National Public Radio regarding Republicans and demographic changes: The party is indeed in danger of losing power as a consequence of not having followed the autopsy’s recommendations, according to Republican pollster Whit Ayres. “For the most part, the Republican Party has done the opposite of what was recommended in the 2013...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill regarding the Republican Party, President Trump, and race: Another Republican strategist, Dan Judy, noted that there were real implications for Trump, and to some extent the broader GOP, with key voting blocs. Racially charged rhetoric from the president, Judy said, “hurts [the GOP] among key constituencies that it desperately...

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