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Whit Ayres’ comments to Bloomberg Politics on Senator Marco Rubio: “People make an enormous mistake if they underestimate the potential of an elected official as enormously talented as Marco Rubio,” said Whit Ayres, Rubio’s Washington-based pollster. “He is an incredible political talent and talent will rise in the long run in this, and any other...

Whit Ayres in The Telegraph on the early stages of the 2016 presidential contest: “Polling at this stage is simply a measure of name recognition and tells you nothing of how a likely contest would turn out,” said Whit Ayres, a veteran Republican pollster. “Sometimes people read into polls the things they want to see...

Whit Ayres’ comments in the National Journal on how President Obama’s actions may affect Hillary Clinton’s chances in the 2016 presidential contest: Even so, a pattern is already hardening with Clinton embracing and the 2016 Republicans repudiating many of Obama’s most consequential, and polarizing, initiatives. Republicans believe this dynamic will benefit them because, as Obama...

Whit Ayres’ quoted by msnbc on potential executive action on immigration: “[Executive action] undercuts supporters of immigration reform and emboldens the opponents,” Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who has advocated passing reform to help the GOP win back Latinos, told msnbc. “It’s going to come across as an illegitimate and crassly political move by a desperate...

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