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Dan Judy’s comments in Roll Call on making the jump from secretary of state to the U.S. Senate: “Running as a U.S. Senate candidate is hard, and it helps to have taken some lumps in prior contests,” Republican pollster Dan Judy said. “Running for secretary of state doesn’t always give you that experience.” To read...

Jon McHenry’s comments in The Hill regarding Republican candidates and populism: But others say these candidates are too focused on running against the party establishment at the expense of bringing new ideas or policy proposals to the debate. “It sort of cracks me up that a Republican would try to get left of President Kennedy...

Whit Ayres’ comments on The Washington Post website on GOP voters and immigration reform: “Our research has shown that roughly one third of Republican primary voters will never support a path to citizenship no matter what the conditions,” says Ayres, a supporter of reform. “But two thirds will support a path to citizenship as long...

Whit Ayres’ comments on Marco Rubio and immigration reform in the National Journal: “Marco Rubio has demonstrated a willingness to take a risk to do something important for the country,” said his pollster, Whit Ayres. “Ultimately politicians who do what they think is best for the country get credit for being leaders. In the great...

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