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Whit Ayres’ comments on the Buffett rule in the Christian Science Monitor: “Democrats are drawn like moths to the flame to class warfare arguments. They do it over and over and over again,” says GOP pollster Whit Ayres. “It always gets ‘em in the game, but it never gets ‘em across the finish line.” …...

Whit Ayres’ comments on the Republican presidential primary election in the Wall Street Journal: “Making a wise decision about when to get out is one of the most important decisions playing into a candidate’s legacy—not only when to get out, but what to say when you do,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster who worked...

Whit Ayres’s comments on the Republican primary race: Whit Ayres, a longtime Republican pollster, who worked on Jon M. Huntsman Jr.’s campaign this year, offered Mr. Romney this advice: “Let your smart operatives do the process stuff. You do the vision thing.” The emphasis on delegates explains why Mr. Santorum and Mr. Romney are dedicating...

Whit Ayres’s comments on Latino voters and the Republican Party: GOP strategist Whit Ayers responded yesterday to a new Fox News poll illustrating the Democratic Party’s significantly higher popularity among Latino voters, calling the process of winning over the demographic “the great challenge of the Republican Party going forward.” “We will do better, in part because...

Whit Ayres’s comments on Super Tuesday: “Tuesday has the potential to do everything from effectively ending the race to keeping it going for weeks,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who was backing Jon Huntsman before the former Utah governor quit the race. “From the Republican side, it’s better for it to be over sooner rather...

Jon McHenry’s comments on events driving voter behavior in National Journal Daily: “I don’t think we can know in advance what those events will be,” said Jon McHenry, a Republican pollster. “Debates are likely sources, but big economic or security events could pop up at any time. I’ve said hundreds of times at this point...

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