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Jon McHenry’s comments in the Washington Post on the Republican nominating contest and Super Tuesday: GOP pollster Jon McHenry said two of those races appear to be particularly significant. “Ohio and Georgia strike me as the most important Super Tuesday states,” McHenry said. “They’re large states; one is a Deep South, appeal-to-the-base state, and the...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Hill regarding the Republican presidential primaries: Whit Ayres, a GOP strategist and pollster who did work for a PAC formed to support former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman’s (R) presidential bid, said Michigan now emerges as a potential make-or-break state. “This sets up Michigan in particular as a very significant state....

Jon McHenry’s comments in The Hill on the President’s budget and political effects: Republican pollster Jon McHenry of North Star Opinion Research predicted that the Obama budget will hand fresh ammunition to the GOP. “The big thing that the budget does is lay out specifics … ‘Everyone should pay their fair share’ sounds reasonable, while...

Whit Ayres’ comments in the Washington Examiner regarding Newt Gingrich’s electoral prospects in the South: Political experts say this Southern strategy is Gingrich’s best and possibly last chance to continue his campaign. Romney is better financed and organized in the upcoming primaries and caucuses, though a handful of victories in the South could help Gingrich...

Whit Ayres’ comments in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding Newt Gingrich’s campaign: How can Gingrich survive? “Through sheer determination and willpower, the same way he’s survived up until this point,” said GOP strategist Whit Ayres. “But he has a very high hill to climb.” Ayres, who previously worked for former candidate Jon Huntsman’s Super PAC, added,...

Dan Judy’s comments on BBC Radio 5Live’s Up All Night show discussing the differences between the South Carolina and Florida Republican primary electorates, and the campaign going forward: [Speaker Gingrich] has really done something that no one has ever done before, which is run a national campaign for president based on his performance in the...

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