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Jon McHenry joined Rebecca Kesby on the BBC World Service’s Newshour program to discuss the presidential debate: (segment begins at 30:00) “The expectations for Joe Biden are so low, that he has to stay awake and alert for 90 minutes to clear his hurdle. There’s no guarantee that he will. … Joe Biden could...

Jon McHenry’s comments to National Public Radio regarding former Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley’s trip to Israel: Jon McHenry, a Republican strategist with North Star Opinion Research, says Haley’s visit appears designed to shore up U.S. support for Israel. He noted that President Biden, who has long been a supporter of Israel, has faced vocal opposition from the...

Jon McHenry’s comments to The Daily Caller on the effect of Arizona’s Supreme Court ruling on abortion: The opposition from prominent Republicans to the Arizona Supreme Court’s abortion ruling could mitigate Democrats’ turnout boost, according to polling analyst Jon McHenry. “Typically where there’s been something on the ballot, it has helped Democrats — there’s kind...

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