Dan Judy’s comments on the political impact of indebted Americans:

Gingrich’s message of personal responsibility may resonate with Republicans, says Dan Judy, a vice president at North Star Opinion Research, a Republican public opinion research firm. Voters without such debt may look at today’s graduates and say, “You know what? Maybe you should have gone to a cheaper college,” Judy says…

Judy says the topic of mortgage relief might potentially mobilize more voters, as home values have declined for millions of homeowners, including those underwater and those who are not. However, Judy says his firm’s research shows Obama’s plans to help homeowners refinance are unpopular.

While Judy believes personal debt may not be a central campaign issue, he says it could come into play via the larger discussion of national debt.

“There are voters who say, ‘I can’t go out there and continually run up my tab. Why is the federal government doing it?'”

For the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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