Dan Judy’s comments in The Hill regarding Governor Romney’s message:

Romney’s best shot at a winning argument is relatively simple, his supporters say. The GOP’s case: Obama misunderstands the economy because he believes in the primacy of government action, whereas Romney believes in the private sector and knows how to liberate it, thus leading America back to prosperity.

“President Obama’s solutions have all been driven by government; I will propose solutions that are small-business- and private-sector-driven,” Republican consultant Dan Judy said, when asked what Romney’s most effective case would be.

“You can attack simultaneously on a number of fronts,” Judy said, “but the key is to make sure all those things tie together in one coherent line of argument.

“So you take the economic argument. You then turn to ObamaCare and you say, ‘This is bad policy, it’s another example of the Obama administration trying to impose a government solution when the private sector would do a better job,’ ” Judy added.

“The same thing on energy policy: ‘There should be more drilling, more fracking, but what the Obama administration wants is to send money to the Solyndras.’ ”

To read the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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