Dan Judy, October 16

October 16, 2012

Dan Judy’s comments on NPR regarding a bipartisan survey of rural voters in swing states conducted for the Center for Rural Strategies with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research:

“What Republican candidates need to do is to rack up big margins in rural areas in order to offset smaller [Republican] margins in urban and suburban areas,” says Dan Judy of North Star Opinion Research, the Republican polling firm that participated in the survey.

“Mitt Romney really needs to be at 60 percent or above in [rural] areas to offset some of those [urban and suburban] margins,” Judy adds. The new survey shows “he has surged into a huge lead, and I think it is fair to say that his increased lead among rural voters is what is helping him in these swing states overall.”

For the full article (and audio), please click here.

For the survey results, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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