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“Republicans were more focused on issues that matter to people.”

Jon McHenry’s comments to The Boston Globe regarding Republican gains in New England: Political strategists say Trump spoke more directly to those who worry about the cost of goods and the impact of the state’s surging migrant population in their communities. “Ultimately, what the results from yesterday say is that Republicans were more focused on...

Hispanic and African American weakness is a function of a memory of the Trump economy being better" subheadline="<span class="btArticleCategories"><a href="" class="btArticleCategory economy">Economy</a><a href="" class="btArticleCategory hispanic-voters">Hispanic Voters</a><a href="" class="btArticleCategory whit-ayres">Whit Ayres</a><a href="" class="btArticleCategory working-class-voters">Working Class Voters</a></span><span class="btArticleDate">November 1, 2024</span>" font="" font_weight="" font_size="" color_scheme="" color="" align="" url="" target="_self" html_tag="h2" size="large" dash="" el_id="" el_class="" el_style="" supertitle_position="outside" ignore_fe_editor="true"]

However, the Republican pollster Whit Ayres told me that he is seeing the same divergence between slipping non-white support and steady white backing for Harris in his surveys—and he sees good reasons for that pattern potentially persisting through Election Day. “The Hispanic and African American weakness [for Harris] is a function of a memory of...

Whit Ayres spoke with The Morning Dispatch newsletter about polling and weighting results: Whit Ayres, the president of North Star Research, told TMD that any adjustments, whether based on class, party, or previous vote, that try to account for these voters are necessarily unproven. “There’s no question that a nonresponse bias, which is simply a...

Dan Judy’s comments in The Atlantic about persuadable voters: If people are tuning out, it might not matter much for the election results. Most people already know whom they’re going to vote for; the universe of truly undecided voters is very small—likely less than 15 percent of the electorate. “The vast, vast, vast majority of...

Jon McHenry spoke with Ron Brownstein of CNN regarding the importance of working-class white women in the 2024 presidential election: Trump’s other big asset with these women is the economy. Many working-class White women live with very little economic margin, and pollsters agree the cumulative increase under Biden in the cost of living – notwithstanding...

reinforces the people already on his side, and doesn’t persuade anyone else.”" subheadline="<span class="btArticleCategories"><a href="" class="btArticleCategory disaster-response">Disaster Response</a><a href="" class="btArticleCategory natural-disasters">Natural Disasters</a><a href="" class="btArticleCategory presidential-contest-issues">Presidential Contest</a><a href="" class="btArticleCategory whit-ayres">Whit Ayres</a></span><span class="btArticleDate">October 9, 2024</span>" font="" font_weight="" font_size="" color_scheme="" color="" align="" url="" target="_self" html_tag="h2" size="large" dash="" el_id="" el_class="" el_style="" supertitle_position="outside" ignore_fe_editor="true"]

Whit Ayres spoke with The Hill regarding false claims about the hurricane response: “The most effective messages are those that have the benefit of being true. When you have Republicans directly [contradicting] Trump’s argument, like Gov. Kemp, all it does is reinforce the people who are already on his side and doesn’t persuade anyone else...

Jon McHenry spoke to The Boston Globe regarding Governor Sanders’ comments about Vice President Harris: Republican pollster and strategist Jon McHenry described Sanders’ remarks as “a gratuitous slap,” and warned that the rhetoric being pushed by Republicans could influence women voters in the upcoming November election. McHenry said the comments against Harris are “not helpful”...

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