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Whit Ayres’ comments in The Washington Post on the challenges Donald J. Trump would face in a general election: “One thing you learn very quickly in political consulting is the fruitlessness of trying to get a candidate to change who he or she fundamentally is at their core,” said Republican strategist Whit Ayres, who did...

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Washington Post regarding Hillary Clinton’s image: Republicans believe that Clinton is so well known that she will have difficulty changing minds. “She is substantially weaker as a candidate than I expected and substantially less able to create a compelling persona on the stump,” said Whit Ayres, who was Rubio’s campaign...

Whit Ayres’ comments in Salon regarding Donald Trump and political correctness: “At its best, not being politically correct comes across as direct, unfiltered and honest. At its worst, not being politically correct comes across as crude, rude and insulting,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster who previously worked for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign....

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