Published on December 15, 2011 | Univision News | Dan Judy and Luke Frans Two-thirds of Latino voters supported President Obama in 2008. Yet based on recent public polling, including a Resurgent Republic survey in Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico, Obama’s support among Latinos has weakened. That opens the door for the eventual Republican presidential...
Resurgent Republic has noted the similarities between Independents and Republicans on a host of issues since our first poll in 2009. Conservatives have the upper hand with these voters for now, and the party best able to appeal to Independents in 2012 will win the White House and may well claim both chambers of Congress....
In conjunction with Hamilton Campaigns, we surveyed Florida voters regarding Gulf Coast restoration, and found unanimity across partisan and geographic lines for a bill ensuring that the fines paid by BP are dedicated to that restoration. Click here to download the summary memo, here to download the complete questionnaire and results, and here for the...
Whit Ayres’s Comments on Immigration | November 25, 2011 Naftali Bendavid The Wall Street Journal “Other GOP leaders warn that the party needs to change the way it talks about immigration, both for policy reasons and in order not to alienate the nation’s fastest-growing minority group, which plays a key role in such swing states...
Whit Ayres’s comments on the Super Committee | November 23, 2011 Carol E. Lee and Janet Hook The Wall Street Journal “They cite as an example of new GOP flexibility an offer by supercommittee member Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.), which called for $250 billion in tax increases over 10 years mostly by curbing deductions...
For several years, voters have looked at Washington and said, “Why can’t they do anything?” The easy answer is that partisan politics gets in the way. That’s the portrayal by the media. It’s certainly the picture painted by the President, notwithstanding the point that “We can’t wait” is a much weaker reelection mantra than “Morning...
Our latest survey for Resurgent Republic, conducted one year before the election, focused on: attitudes toward the President’s leadership; jobs, the economy, and regulations; government taxes and spending; and health care reform. If President Obama’s reelection campaign is a referendum on the incumbent, as are almost all reelection campaigns, then he remains in deep trouble...
In conjunction with the Hispanic Leadership Network, Resurgent Republic conducted 1200 interviews with Hispanic voters in three states – Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico – during September 6-10, 2011, with full results available at The surveys point to a number of opportunities for Republicans with Hispanics in these critical swing states, but significant challenges remain...