How an Electoral College Nightmare Could Happen

October 29, 2012

From Whit Ayres and Jon McHenry’s opinion piece in Politico regarding an Electoral College tie:

Fast-forward to the morning of Nov. 7. The votes are in and the unthinkable has happened. The Electoral College is tied 269-269. A deadlocked presidential election.

Here’s one way it could happen: In addition to the core Republican states, Mitt Romney pulls out victories in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada and Wisconsin, the latter helped by Paul Ryan’s presence on the ticket. In addition to the core Democratic states, President Barack Obama wins Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Virginia. (This scenario assumes that all of Nebraska’s Electoral College votes go to Romney, and all of Maine’s Electoral College votes go to Obama — both states allocate a portion of their votes to winners of the congressional districts).

For the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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