Whit Ayres, February 12

February 12, 20120

Whit Ayres’ comments in The Hill regarding the Republican presidential primaries:

Whit Ayres, a GOP strategist and pollster who did work for a PAC formed to support former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman’s (R) presidential bid, said Michigan now emerges as a potential make-or-break state.

“This sets up Michigan in particular as a very significant state. Santorum is going to spend a lot of time there. If Romney holds his own and holds his own comfortably, a lot of handwringing in the Romney camp and the Republican establishment should cease,” he said.

Romney has double-digit poll leads in both states and has strong appeal in Michigan, where he grew up and his father George Romney served as governor. Santorum will focus on Michigan, where his blue-collar roots could have more appeal with voters.

Ayres said it made sense for Romney’s campaign to prioritize its resources to larger states that hold large numbers of delegates but the decision can be criticized in hindsight.

“I’m sure in hindsight the Romney forces wish they put more money in Colorado. I don’t think anyone expected him to lose Colorado,” he said.

For the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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