Whit Ayres, February 28

February 28, 20120

Whit Ayres’s comments on Mitt Romney:

On Tuesday, he had to concede some of the 30 available delegates in Michigan to Rick Santorum, who, despite the loss, goes forward along with Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to challenge Romney in Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee and seven other states next week.

“Gov . Romney was not their first choice,” Republican consultant Whit Ayres said of the more-conservative bloc of voters who, time and time again, have spelled trouble for Romney. “But it’s easy to misinterpret that comment and assume he’s an unacceptable choice.”

In other words, Ayres said, Republicans may continue to make it a long slog toward the nomination for Romney, but they’ll be there for him if he wins it.

For the full article, please click here.

Brendan Bowie

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