Whit Ayres on Press Pass with David Gregory

March 1, 20120

Whit Ayres appeared on Press Pass to talk about the Republican presidential primary:

Mitt Romney is still the “odds-on favorite” to win the Republican nomination, says top Republican pollster Whit Ayres.

But Mark Penn, a veteran of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential run, thinks Romney still has a “considerable fight” on his hands.

“If [Romney] doesn’t win Ohio… there’s going to be Republican chaos once again.”

In Rick Santorum’s case, Ayres sees a more difficult path.

“He’s got to win some contested primaries —  some ‘quality wins,’”  he said, likening the prospect of the former Pennsylvania Senator improving his position in the polls to that of a college football team trying to climb the BCS rankings. In Ayres’ opinion, a great way to do that would be a victory in Newt Gingrich’s home state of Georgia.

Brendan Bowie

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